About Me

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Despite many failed attempts to exercise more, eat better, and take better care of myself, I've decided to make the "Trophy Wife Resolution." Since I am the complete anti-thesis of a trophy wife, let's see if I can rise to the challenge!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Plan: Sharing Research Reviews, Activities and Prioritizing Progress

Once 2011 hits, here's the plan folks:

1. Research everything from vitamin, diet, fitness, and other age-defying regimens to help get me on track.
2. Prioritize and share research, activities and progress. For example, I'm going to start reviewing vitamin regimens for women in their 30s-40s, then diet, and ultimately move onto fitness and the "outer beauty" business. (Hopefully, the nursing education will come in handy too.) I'm looking forward to sharing what I learn and hope someone else will try it too!
3. In addition to friends, family and other experts (who I hope will comment), I'm going to be seeking mentors on-line who have their own trophy wife or fitness/age-defying blogs. Since they don't know me personally, they may be more inclined to give me necessary Simon Cowell-like criticism.
4. Charities and helping organizations will receive ALL blog proceeds. Starting in 2011, once all the blog design kinks are worked out, I will select and feature an organization each month. Just like there is always someone prettier than you, there is also someone always much less fortunate.  Trophy wives are well-positioned to give back and even if I make only a little progress in the other areas, this is the one I'm hoping to make a difference.  If you'd like to include one for consideration, please include a comment and I will check it out.

Hopefully, this is the least funny post that I write.

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