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Despite many failed attempts to exercise more, eat better, and take better care of myself, I've decided to make the "Trophy Wife Resolution." Since I am the complete anti-thesis of a trophy wife, let's see if I can rise to the challenge!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Not Missing Much on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve was spent eating some fondue and appetizers for dinner, watching the kids play video games, and reading a book about the plague. I collapsed on the basement futon next to the Harvard valedictorian (dog) and plague book on my face.

I wasn't upset waking up at 8:00 a.m. to discover that I had missed my last farewell to 2010.

At least, I slept with someone I love.

There's not much to miss about 2010. While the year started off innocently enough, here's how it went down:

1. Lost half the house to a flood in March. Developed a whole new appreciation for Hurricane Katrina victims and learned that FEMA is only good for making a cameo appearance in the X-files movie. We lived like hoarders for 4 months while the house was being repaired. The good news is we had the funds to repair it.
2. The day after our house was finally fixed, my father-in-law tragically and suddenly died.
3. I got hit by lightning for the 4th time in my life. When I was in my teens, my entire family went through three months of getting hit by lightning on a regular basis. First, it was our house. This was the only time the Jewish mutha was glad that I disobeyed her and ran out of the house to catch a movie with a friend. The next day, we got hit by lightning in the hotel we were staying in since our roof went on fire. To escape the madness, we took a cruise and the boat got hit every night. This time, I was driving the car by myself when I heard a gunshot sound, saw a bolt of light and said, "This is it?!" The car suffered electrical issues and needed to be brought in to those awful auto mechanics constantly for the next two months. I have five more lives left.
4. Had to get a new car earlier than expected. Got hit in the parking lot by a service man driving a car while taking it for the inspection.
5. More than several dear friends of mine had separated from partners and spouses after more than a decade together.
6. Merry Crapmas. Please read prior post.
7. Life Partner moved 1.25 miles away.

There were a few highlights: Hermione Granger found a new passion with the piano and finally enjoyed camp. The 4th Stooge is succeeding in his new school. The Alpha Male made a job transition that allows him to be home more often, especially after spending eight years away most of the time either toiling in graduate school or at "The Firm."

In the mixed blessings department, I was busier than ever this year. More shlepping to more kids' activities. I picked up an additional consulting job on top of my house reconstruction project -- working and providing taking care of my spawn full-time, all the time. However, I saw less of my friends than ever before and I spent less time taking care of myself as evidenced that I'm now approaching the outer limit of acceptable BMI (body mass index).

Although my mantra is "hope for the best, expect the worst," the Alpha Male says I also need to change "my negative attitude." The reality is it's not that the glass is half full or empty. The truth was this year's glass was filled with piss.

Best wishes for health and happiness in 2011.

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