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Despite many failed attempts to exercise more, eat better, and take better care of myself, I've decided to make the "Trophy Wife Resolution." Since I am the complete anti-thesis of a trophy wife, let's see if I can rise to the challenge!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog "Ripple Effect," Zen Diagnosis and Getting Walked by the Family

In addition to the comments posted, I wanted to share some of feedback from some of the Cast of Characters about the blog. Soul Sista is now chronicling her daily self-care progress in a journal. Another appreciates the designated charity Malden Reads. Some got a good laugh. And the Best Pal I Turned Gay just can't comment enough because he knows deep down how much I need this.

Then, there's the other feedback. Some politely suggested a name change. The Jewish Mutha thinks I need counseling. She believes I wouldn't be so consumed with my exterior if I felt better on the interior. (This is the same woman who had me wear an eye patch, headgear, braces and a mullet for years as a child. When she reviews my childhood photos with the Alpha Male, the first thing she says is "Isn't she gorgeous?") Alpha Male hasn't put down The Economist yet to read the blog.

Then, there was the girl's night with the Doctah to add clarification. I even scored a diagnosis!

The Doctah, like myself, is a busy mom. Unlike myself, she is the only person I know who can deliver a baby and a few days later be fully accessorized, showered, and look like a million bucks.

I am in awe of her.

After discussing family stuff, she gave me her professional assessment of the blog. Besides being a Doctah specializing in mental health, she has known me for almost half of my life. Plus, I consider her a role model and expert in self-care.

In other words, she carries a lot of credibility.

"Instead of getting your hair straightened, etc. (serious paraphrasing), the thing I want most for you is to go on some Adderall. I think you have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder)." - The Doctah

I never put ADHD on the table as one of my Liabilities (please see other post). Although the condition runs in the family, I hadn't considered it before.

Zen moment. Hmmmm......

She can be brutally honest me with me. I'm lucky she's my friend.

While the Alpha Male agrees that I have issues, he doesn't put this one at the top of the list.

We finished the weekend by going for a family walk with the Harvard valedictorian at a local park. Despite his swollen, scratched face from the sledding snafu, the 4th Stooge kept sliding down hills as if he was trying to get hurt. After several warnings, Alpha Male borrowed a line from the brilliant Bill Cosby, "After dealing with these people all the time, there's no way you can outlive me woman. If so, I must be sick!"


  1. Best Pal She Turned GayJanuary 20, 2011 at 7:11 PM

    Really, ADHD? I have to think about that . . . possible. ADHD is when your brain feels out of control because your thoughts don't stop. And yet, I think that it is not your brain but your life that feels really out of control. If I am wrong and it is your brain, go on the drugs (and see if you can get some Klonopin for me while you are at it). If it is your life, that is a much harder project to tackle, which is why you have this blog.

  2. I think it's my life too. It's just been very interesting to hear others thoughts about my liabilities recently since I started the blog...

  3. You only need to look at your sibs to know that you don't have ADHD. Remember a little girl sitting in a psych's office chair, spinning at 40 MPH with the doctor asking, "Does she have trouble sitting still?" THAT is ADHD.
