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Despite many failed attempts to exercise more, eat better, and take better care of myself, I've decided to make the "Trophy Wife Resolution." Since I am the complete anti-thesis of a trophy wife, let's see if I can rise to the challenge!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 5: Exploding Dishwasher, Jedi Mind Tricks, and the Bottled Water Industry Scam

Before 9:30 a.m., my dishwasher exploded water all over the hardwood floor. However, I had depended on the forces of nature to evaporate the mess. The 4th Stooge decided to have several nervous breakdowns since he didn't want his pals playing with his new holiday toys. I used all my Jedi mind tricks to convince him that playing outside with his pals would be more fun. Forty-five minutes, a bunch of tears, and two sweet friends later, all was momentarily all right with the world.

When I tried the same Jedi mind tricks on the car dealership that legitimately owes me some things, I was not as successful. I'm going to give them one more chance to remedy the situation before I entertain everyone with my new car debacle.

Progress report today: Somehow, I squeezed in a shower in the morning and one vitamin today. Wore clothes that were not on the floor. Did not eat breakfast or lunch. Dog didn't walk me today either. Still going through cookie withdrawal. Did not clean a thing in the house, including the water mess. Nature works.

Bottled Water Industry Scam

Speaking of water, below is a link the bottled water industry scam. One issue I'm working on is that I need to drink more and healthier fluids (not alcohol). As mentioned in a recent commented post, people don't need to drink 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy. But, you probably need to drink more than one to two glasses, which is what I usually average. Throughout the day, I carry all the signs of someone suffering from dehydration. Like I said, I was probably a camel in my former life.

While leaving water bottles around to remind me to drink sounds like a good idea, I'd caution paying for store-bought water. Aside from the waste factor created by plastic bottles, store-bought water isn't much different that what's coming out of the tap. It also may contain high levels of that Erin Brokovitch compound that causes cancer.

Overall, buying bottled water is like buying canned air. There's no manufacturing plant creating water or currently obtaining it from a different planet. Maybe when we figure how to melt the polar caps on Mars, you can talk me into buying some of the stuff.

However, there are exceptions to avoiding bottled water. Some tap water, like you'll find in Woburn, MA, whose story about contaminated tap water is captured in Jonathan Harr's brilliant Civil Action book, is not for consumption. If a lot of kids in your town have developed cancer, it's best to avoid drinking the tap water. In such cases, refer to some of the best bottled waters, as researched by the Environmental Working Group. For more information, visit:


Ultimately, you'll want to consider moving to a place that has a better monitored and filtered water source. In the meantime, the most cost-effective thing people can do is buy a Brita or Pur filter for their faucet and a couple of stainless steel water bottles.

1 comment:

  1. The Best Pal She Turned GayJanuary 14, 2011 at 2:55 PM

    Last night, I had the most disturbing revelation from my house cleaner (who is also a dear friend of my boyfriend, the Hot Spaniard). She told me that she flushes the water in the toilet and then uses the fresh toilet water as her "bucket of water" to wash my bathroom floors. Now, I am a big believer in not telling someone how to do their job, especially when they are better at it than you. Still, does this really seem sanitary?! Toilet water to "wash" the bathroom floors. I am a bit skeeved to say the least.

    Then I had a more disturbing thought. Given the recent incident with the exploding dishwasher water, conveniently left to "clean" Trophy Wife's kitchen floor, I might have missed the "New Ways to Clean Your Floors" memo that is going around. If you have this memo, please forward it to me in an e-mail ASAP.
